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World Peace is On the Way!

The Mitzvah Project wants you!


Congregation B'nai HaShem is also happy to announce the formation of "The Mitzvah Project", a Florida based campaign to bring World Peace before the end of the year 2005. They can be reached at www.TheMitzvahProject.org or at the address listed below.

Based on biblical explanations and recent discoveries uncovered by satellites and other scientific means, we now know that the Universe was not created by a "Big Bang", nor are human beings descended from apes. New information now conclusively proves that the Oral and Written Torah, also known as The Five Books of Moses, "Pentateuch", or "Teachings", is true, accurate, and correct. The first chapter of the Bible explains that God separated between light and darkness, and then went on to create the Universe in six distinct periods of time.

Computer analysis of the Book of Genesis, as well as the other four books of the Pentateuch, has finally determined that the Written Torah was dictated to Moses by The Creator during the forty years of wandering in the desert with the Children of Israel.

Further discoveries have proven that the Earth did indeed suffer a Flood in the days of Noah, a Revelation of God's Presence did occur on Mount Sinai in what is now St. Catherine, Egypt, and that King David did live and rule in Israel over 2800 years ago. Due to a renewed interest in The Seven Laws of Noah, The Ten Commandments, and the belief in One True God, The Mitzvah Project has been established to help teach mankind about what it will take to establish a true World Peace.

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America established our country a nation based on the belief in God as a "Creator" and "Supreme Judge of the World". Joint Resolution 582 was approved by Congress and signed by then President Ronald Reagan designating April 20, 1986 as "Education Day U.S.A". This bill recognizes our great Nation as being founded upon The Seven Noahide Laws, which outline the ethical and moral responsibilities of all mankind, regardless of race, religion, culture, or any other status whatsoever.

The Mitzvah Project has undertaken the responsibility to continue the education of every person in regard to the minimum of these Seven Universal Laws, so that the world can achieve it's ideal state of peace, prosperity, and love, now and forever. Other topics of interest found on their web-site include: The Names of God, Finding The Golden Ark, Building The Third Temple, The Messianic Age, The Shema, The 613 Mitzvot, What is Prayer?, and How to Help.

Congregation B'nai HaShem is very sorry to say that Rabbi Heszel Klepfisz of Beit Vegan, Jerusalem who was our official Rabbi has passed away at the age of 95. Rabbi Klepfisz served as the Chief Rabbi of Panama for over 30 years, where he was also the Dean of the Albert Einstein Academy. Rabbi Klepfisz was a Holocaust survivor, and a relative of Mr. Jay Silverman, President of the congregation. His assistance and wisdom as a Talmid Chacham (Torah Scholar) was invaluable. His latest book "Culture of Compassion" can be still be found at www.Eichlers.com/881250376.html.

The Mitzvah Project is for people of all Nations. We urge to help us in bringing World Peace now and forever. May God continue to bless and keep you and yours always.


For More Information Contact:
Congregation B'nai HaShem
Internet: www.TheMitzvahProject.org
E-Mail:   Jay@TheMitzvahProject.org


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Last modified: April 1, 2005